The Board of Presbyters & Ministers serves the ministry through preaching, teaching, and prayer. They assist the Pastor in the spiritual oversight of the congregation and are called upon to be examples to every believer as to spiritual maturity and good Christian character. This position is one of great respect and integrity. It is our goal to enhance the ministry gifts of our presbyters and ministers, and to propel them toward their ultimate destiny in the Kingdom. (ref. I Timothy 4: 6-16)

The Diaconate, comprised of Deacons and Deaconesses, are appointed by the Pastor to assist him in the ministry. The Board is comprised primarily of husbands and wives who partner together to assist the Pastor in ministering to the spiritual and natural needs of the congregation, with one of their main functions being to assist the Pastor in the preparation and administering of the Holy Eucharist. This position of respect and integrity requires that they walk circumspectly before God’s people so that they will be found blameless.
(ref. I Timothy 3: 8-13)

The Men’s Department exists to foster fellowship and deepen relationships among the men in the congregation. This ministry is to the total man; mind, body, soul, and spirit. Our desire is to provide an easy transition for men entering the Church and to serve as a support group for the men that God sends to this house. The men assist in the financial, spiritual and personal growth of this ministry. The Men help to support and fulfill the Pastor’s vision and are “the strength” of the ministry providing protection and security to the Pastor and congregants in preparation for and during worship services. All men who unite with the Church are asked to actively participate in this ministry. (ref. Psalm 1: 1-3)

The strength of the Women’s Department is established and rooted in a desire to please God through spiritual maturity-- women ministering to each other through the guidance of the Holy Spirit and by prayer. This ministry is to the total woman: mind, body, soul, and spirit. The desire of the women is to provide an easy transition for women entering the Church and to serve as a support group for the women that God sends to this house. It is our prayer that we can serve in the establishment of strong, God-dependent women who are clear about their roles in the Church, the home and the workplace. Our primary goals are to be a credit to the kingdom of God and to support our Pastor and Church through prayer, ministry service, regular attendance, and God-directed lives. All women who unite with the Church are asked to actively participate in this ministry. (ref. Proverbs 31: 10-31)

This group of seasoned saints supports the Church and Pastor through prayer and ministry service. The Mothers are an example to the younger women on how to care for husbands, family, and the general body of believers. (ref. Titus 2: 3-5)

The Music and Fine Arts Department unites worshippers of diverse backgrounds, gifts and talents to bring glory to God through music and other art expressions. This department is responsible for ushering the congregation into a higher level of praise and worship through their anointed and skilled presentation. Participation in this department requires much time and devotion. Persons who are skilled, mature and committed are encouraged to unite with this ministry. (ref. I Chronicles 15 and Psalm 33:3)

The Elisha Generation nurtures, develops and trains young adults for leadership roles in the Church and in building the Kingdom. The Elisha Generation endeavors to teach young adults how to walk upright before God, to surrender to the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, and to embrace the call of God on their lives. (ref. 1 Kings 19: 15-19; 2 Kings 2: 9)

The purpose of this department is to disciple and develop children and adolescents mentally, spiritually, and emotionally by uniting them in Godly fellowship. This is accomplished through The LifeSavers Children’s Church, fellowships, worship experiences, and events that create opportunities for witnessing, teaching, discipleship, active service, leadership development and personal growth relevant to this young population. The LifeSavers Leaders prayerfully endeavor to plant the Word of God into our young people so that they will mature into Biblically-sound, praying believers who are not afraid or ashamed to be witnesses for the Lord. (ref. Proverbs 22:6)

Those who serve in the Usher & Hospitality Department are responsible for greeting both visitors and members with the warmth of the love of Christ. This department is comprised of worshippers who serve the Pastor and the congregation by preparing the sanctuary for service, seating all worshippers and visitors, and ensuring that they are as comfortable as possible. All materials needed for worship, including bulletins, the tithe and offering envelopes, and visitor’s packets are distributed by them. They observe and guard the sanctuary (doorkeepers) so that service is not disturbed. Persons uniting with this ministry must be diligent in developing those finer qualities of character enabling them to become a credit to their Lord and Church. The fruit of the Spirit must be evident in their lives and in their ministry service. (ref. Psalm 84:10 and Galatians 5: 22, 23)

The mission of the Three Cords of Love Marriage Ministry is to enrich the lives of marriages between men and women. We are committed to guiding couples into a closer relationship with God and each other. This will be accomplished by providing couples with biblical principals and skill sets that will assist in maintaining a strong and healthy marriage God’s way according to His original plan and design. Marriages will be strengthened and will embrace and understand God’s sovereign plan for marriage as well as the roles of a husband and a wife.

Heart-to-Heart is the community-focused social service branch of ministry here at the Pilgrim Cathedral of Harlem. Heart-to-Heart’s purpose is to go beyond the brick and mortar of the church building to extend the love of Christ to individuals, organizations and causes in our surrounding community. To date, Heart-to-Heart has impacted domestic violence survivors, families, and the homeless community by conducting community dinners, clothing drives, toy drives, prison reform workshops, and financial health and wellness seminars. Anyone with a passion for grass-roots ministry is welcome to join in Heart-to-Heart’s endeavor to be Christ in the world. (ref. Matthew 25:40, John 21:15, and I John 4:11)